While the Gunning Fog Index was developed in 1952, it is
more important today than ever before.
In an age of biz-babble, written language uses more jargon
every day—and becomes less easy-to-read as a result.
On the Gunning Fog Index, a readability score of 12 can be
read by a high school student.
For universal comprehension—and the standard journalists
aspire to—the goal is 8. Eighth grade.
Annual reports often come in at 26.9 or more.
The lower the score, the better luck you’ll have getting people
to read it.
Journalists will love your releases.
To lower your score, scratch the three-syllable words. Shorten
the long sentences and muster active verbs.
This copy had a Gunning Fog of 8.001.
To test your copy, go to http://gunning-fog-index.com/ or the
Flesch/Kincaid Grade Level at http://www.standards-schmandards.com/exhibits/rix/index.php.
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