Although we think that if we’re knowledgeable we'll come across as credible, recent research shows that that isn’t the case.
Credibility is different for men and women.
Despite enormous advances, women still have to prove their expertise while men are considered experts if they are busy professionals.
Men can talk about what they plan to do and everyone usually buys into it. Women still have to emphasize what they've done in the past. With concrete examples.
But, men aren't necessary trustworthy. Women are.
To be credible, men need to show their humanity. That means talking about their personal life.
If a man mentions his family, he seems human. Men who speak highly of their wife or kids are seen in a much better light than men who don’t have enough time to care about personal “stuff.”
Women, on the other hand, should never mention their husband or children. It puts them in the housewife category.
To show credibility, women have to show what they’ve done. They need to have someone else sing their praises and introduce them.
They need portfolios or resumes filled with numbers that show the ability to do the get the job done. They need glowing letters of recommendation and testimonials. In that way, they come across as knowledgeable experts in their field.
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