Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Waiting for the spark that sizzles

Getting a new public relations client is always exciting—and a little scary since you never really know how it’s going to work out. 

The process is comforting—creating a strategy and gathering information on the company, the people, the services and the issues those solve.

A few days later, after revising a bio and reviewing a lot of information, the magic started to happen.

My brain started to pull disparate bits of information into a coherent whole that cascaded through my mind.

Not wanting to lose it, I turned to the computer to capture the form we use—a press release.

Of course, the release was tweaked and added to later.

But the pitch—the news hook that would speak to editors—was there. 

For me, it’s these moments of creativity that make writing, working and publicizing client services so exciting. 

For more information, visit Dell Richards Publicity at www.dellrichards.com.