With so much emphasis on new media, some people don’t think that
“old media” works anymore.
People forget that traditional media not only drives sales, but social
media—as the publicity campaign of one of our current clients
When the Sacramento nonprofit, Destinations Mobility, started a contest for a wheelchair-accessible
van and shuttle bus, Destinations had a Facebook reach of less than 150 people.
When our firm got a major local columnist to write about the
giveaway, Facebook reach jumped to 8,162.
Less than a week later, when we placed three segments with two teasers on
a local morning show and its news affiliate, reach zoomed to 12,244
When the division manager was on a talk radio show that runs on five local
stations, social media hit 22,419.
Since then, Facebook has
remained constant, staying above 20,000.
With old and new media kicking in, entries for the contest not only
picked up, but reached the campaign goals.
For more information, call us at (916) 455-4790 or visit Dell Richards
Publicity at www.dellrichards.com.