Friday, October 26, 2012

How can I get in the Wall Street Journal?

Businesses often ask how to get in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times or another “big fish” paper. 

I’m tempted to say “Move to New York and hire a New York public relations firms at $20,000-plus a month.”

But I don’t. I say that unless you have a national presence it’s very difficult to get into national publications.  

In journalism terms, that translates into proximity and impact, which means close and large.

That said, you can build credibility by tracking reporters’ interests and pitching unique, well-researched story ideas exclusively to them.

You need incredibly concise releases with enough interesting detail to make them realize there’s a story they want to write. But that's it.  

Public relations is like a fishing. Sending out well-written, newsworthy information is your bait and hook.  

When reporters respond, it’s because you’ve given them what they need.

By doing that, you actually get that “big fish” to bite.  

For more information, contact Dell Richards Publicity at (916) 455-4790 or visit our website at