Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Those who post can be seen and heard

It doesn’t matter what Internet media you use. Writing something—from a blog to a facebook post, even to a tweet—gets your name, face or logo out there.

Recent research by Bill Heil and Mikolaj Piskorski on Conversation Starter of the Harvard Business Publishing website partially titled “…Nobody Tweets” found that:
· 80 percent of twitter content is generated by 10 percent of users.
· the lifetime tweets of the average user is one. This would probably mean that people open accounts not to tweet, but to follow others.
· On Wikipedia, top 15 percent of the users generate 90 percent of the content.
· Social networks only expand a little more broadly with the top 10 percent creating 30 percent of use.

My experience on facebook bears this out. Most of the daily postings on my personal page are generated by 5 percent of my friends. Only 15-20 percent of the friends post, though more comment.

I don’t know what blog stats are, but I’d bet they’re similar.

Which means that if you generate information and send it out through the various available channels—as well as your email group lists—you will not only be seen, but heard.

In this day and age, that often means business.

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